Official hunting office of the Polish Hunting Association, established in 1991.


Hunting Units

In Poland, the only organization for hunters is the Polish Hunting Association, which bases its system of hunting management on the activities of hunting clubs that lease hunting districts.

In addition, the General Board of the Polish Hunting Association has 36 hunting districts under its jurisdiction, the area of which exceeds 250,000 hectares. They function within 18 Animal Breeding Centers (OHZ) located throughout Poland.


  1. Animal Breeding Center (OHZ) “DRETYŃ”
  2. Animal Breeding Center (OHZ) “GIERŁOŻ”
  3. Animal Breeding Center (OHZ) “MIKOŁAJKI”
  4. Animal Breeding Center (OHZ) “KUJAN”
  5. Animal Breeding Center (OHZ) “SZUBIN”
  6. Animal Breeding Center (OHZ) “GRODNO”
  7. Animal Breeding Center (OHZ) “RYPIN”
  8. Animal Breeding Center (OHZ) “ROŻNIATY”
  9. Animal Breeding Center (OHZ) “NIECIECZ”
  10. Animal Breeding Center (OHZ) “GOLA”
  11. Animal Breeding Center (OHZ) “CZEMPIŃ”
  12. Animal Breeding Center (OHZ) “KROŚNIEWICE”
  13. Animal Breeding Center (OHZ) “GRADÓW”
  14. Animal Breeding Center (OHZ) “MROKÓW”
  15. Animal Breeding Center (OHZ) “PRZYBYSZEW”
  16. Animal Breeding Center (OHZ) “MOSZNA”
  17. Animal Breeding Center (OHZ) “LISIĘCICE”
  18. Animal Breeding Center (OHZ) “WOŁOWIEC”

Among the tasks of Animal Breeding Centers (OHZ) are: conducting exemplary management of hunting grounds, implementing new developments in hunting, conducting scientific research, restoring populations of disappearing wildlife species and conducting training in hunting.

Thus, hunters going to hunt in the Animal Breeding Centers of the General Board of the Polish Hunting Association are assured that they come under the care of excellent specialists.